Nolte GmbH

Innovative since 1967

We are a company operating throughout Europe in the automotive industry, aviation industry, plastics and furniture industry as well as rail transportation.


We have been successfully active in product development, model making, tool making and plastics processing since 1967.

Our products are natural companions for people who are on the move, whether they are traveling by plane, train, car or truck.


In development and production, we focus on the high demands of our customers and their satisfaction. Our products are designed to help protect our environment, save resources and ensure safety.

Of course, we are certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 by TÜV NORD. 



Visit our Shop, which offers you modern and design-oriented SUPER TABLES in an elegant CARBON LOOK for your truck - center tables and passenger tables or a combination of both. We attach great importance to quality, design and function. Our products help you to optimize your organization in the cockpit.




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